Green 26
Book-crashers is a book club open to gatecrashers: you don't have to have read the book. The Periodic Table was voted Best Science Book Ever by the Royal Institution. The 21 short stories chart Levi's Italian childhood & love of chemistry which saved his life in Auschwitz. Do dip into it. Session includes film clip of author's return to Auschwitz.
Red 6
As we stop using the range of childhood movement we start to limit ourselves, creating artificial limits. By exploring movement in an easy way, focussing on awareness, we can open our brains up to their natural ability to learn and adapt. This session is about freeing up the pelvis, & finding a better sense of centre. Come to one session or all.
Joel Salmon Gefiltefest at Limmud
Red 9
Humous is unquestionably delicious, but it is also a symbol of conflict for many people in the Middle East. In this session we explore these debates while also tasting different kinds of humous. Politics and humous - what more could you want!
Gefiltefest at Limmud Kevin Sefton
Purple 31
In this session we'll go through the steps for making great pita bread, and learn that breadmaking is not the hard work that it's often made out to be. Depending on ovens the aim is that there'll be lots of different breads to taste. Unlike on Bake Off, no camping skills are required.
Orange 11
As the Holocaust moves further away in history we see that one of the biggest challenges to the memory of the Holocaust is its trivialisation. What are the sources of this phenomenon? This talk is about one of the greatest challenges the young generation faces today and provides tools and strategies to respond to it.
Yellow 22
Do you show volunteer experience on your CV? Volunteering is an important part of Jewish identity for 71% Jews, yet many don’t utilise unpaid skills and experience in their professional world. Using expertise from Resource, the community’s jobseeker support charity, we’ll develop great CVs using skills gained in all aspects of our lives. Bring yours!
Green 25
What are the most common mistakes that students make while preparing for exams? How can study skills boost confidence, motivation and self-esteem as well as academic performance? And how can parents support teens or young adults through these stressful times? Juliet Landau-Pope outlines some suggestions and invites you to join discussion.
Eve Harow Hannah Weisfeld Laura Marks
Yellow 23
Whilst all 'Zionists', as Jews we find it hard to talk about Israel with people who hold differing perspectives. This session with eminent panelists from 'left' to 'right' attempts to have a meaningful debate on the issues, uniquely, as women.
Orange 13
In this session, we will get the chance to learn about the religious/cultural reasonings behind head and hair covering and then learn a bit about how to wrap scarves in more elaborate ways. We'll have scarves and other tichel "equipment" to play with. *To accommodate all women who cover their head, we ask that only women attend this session.*
Jeremy Lawrence Phil Rosenberg Elizabeth Harris-Sawczenko Richard Sudworth Jessica Foster
Red 1
What are the churches doing to combat antisemitism? Do Christians have a particular responsibility in the light of our history? And why does the Christian-Jewish relationship still require so much work? This session discusses these questions in terms of the current political climate, looking at both with a historical perspective and to the future.
Blue 33
A workshop for anyone who wants to focus in on the practical steps you can take to make your community – whether that be your school, synagogue, youth group, home, friendship circles more inclusive for LGBT+ people. We’ll talk you through practical steps you can take, no matter your affiliation, to create a safer space for Jewish LGBT+ people.
Orange 14
During Talmudic times, many Jews would leave their fields twice a year for week-long intensive Torah study sessions. Is this the ideal way of engaging in Jewish learning? In this class we will read a dramatic Talmudic story about a scholars, angels, and crumbling walls to explore ways of integrating Torah into our daily lives.
Red 5
Weirdly, Hanukah is the only festival on which we don't read a book of the Bible - but even more weirdly, there are FOUR books of Maccabees in existence! We'll explore the differences between them and why none of them made the cut into the Bible.
Blue 34
Just what is a miracle? How do we know if we have experienced one? Is it personal? Communal? Can it be ongoing, or did it have to be one event? If in fact, I have experienced a true miracle; then what? How do I mark it? As it turns out, this question is central to how Judaism - through ritual - has responded to the founding of the State of Israel.
Red 7
Get your dancing shoes on, leave your sense of dignity at the door, and try your hand at the ancient, noble art-form that makes England unique: Morris dancing! Taught and accompanied by real-life folk musicians, this will be an experience not to be missed. There may even be some Jewish content.
Orange 10
A discussion of the status of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and the legality or otherwise of Israeli settlements there under International Law.
Red 4
In this session, we will open up the second blessing of the Amidah to explore different possibilities of meaning. The focus of this blessing is God reviving the dead. How might we reinterpret the words in this blessing? Which other texts stand behind this blessing, and how can they open up our field of vision around this controversial prayer.
Eldad Beck Izchak Sonnenschein Yigal Ravid Shay Kerem
Yellow 24
Join Shay Kerem, media organiser and producer; Eldad Beck, Israel Hayom daily newspaper; Yigal Zimet Ravid, TV and radio personality; and Yitzhak Sonnenschein, WZO representative to the UK, exploring issues relating to Jews in the UK and their relations with Israel and Israeli institutions.
Orange 12
Community registers in Egypt. Torah scrolls in Yemen. The tug-of-war over the Iraqi-Jewish archive, now in the US but claimed by Iraq. Who owns the heritage of now-defunct Jewish communities in Arab countries? Is it the exiled Jews? Or is it part of a country's national heritage? An illustrated presentation into this thorny question.
Red 3
Historically American Jews have been leaders in liberal causes, voting heavily for Democratic candidates. Conservative Jewish individuals and organisations have challenged this reality. Recent political developments within the Democratic Party, America in general and Israel impact this issue.
Red 2
Perhaps the most affluent and influential Jewish community in history, to many, American Jews are an enigma. How is the community mobilized and organized and who are the key personalities? What are the points of division and when does a unified center emerge? Discover all this and more by the editor of one of US Jewry's leading publications.