Orange 10
Debbie, a rabbi, along with a vicar decided to quit plastic for a year. Then Blue Planet got everyone else on board too! How possible is it to quit and can this be framed Jewishly?
Orange 13
What are the tools available for resolving Get cases and how are these implemented in practice? We will look at precedents in our sources ancient and modern and consider some case studies.
Orange 14
As a young girl who grew up 2 Miles from the border with Gaza I thought living under threat of rockets 24/7 is normal. As I grew older I started asking questions. In this session I will share my story, and the hard questions I have asked with some answers. We will talk about the history of the area, about the communities around it and more.
Orange 12
In 1968, Uri Avnery, an up-and-coming left-wing politician, suggested replacing Israel’s national anthem, HaTikva, with Naomi Shemer’s Jerusalem of Gold. What do these songs and the stories behind them tell us about Israeli identity today? Join us for a part lecture, part discussion and part audio story session to find out!
Yellow 24
Holocaust denial has been one of a number of 'denialisms' that paved the way for what has become known today as post-truth. Today, Holocaust denial is evolving into new, and even more sinister, forms. In this session Keith will discuss how we might confront these new developments, drawing on the research for my new book on the subject.
Blue 33
Come and hear from Jewish and Israeli international development professionals, in pictures, about why they work in this field, what has changed their perspectives, failures they faced and advice they would give their younger selves.
Green 26
The "Other" is a term used a lot in today's language about human relationships. However upon closer inspection it becomes clear that what we mean about "our" relationship with the "other" is far from straightforward. We will explore the (mostly Jewish) concept of "welcoming" the Other, and how it can inform how we think about contemporary issues.
Red 3
Watch amazing performances and learn why Israeli dance is Israel’s major cultural export. Learn the history of Israeli Dance. Discover the impact of Israeli dance in Ukraine, Latvia, Brazil and Cuba and about some of the 18,000 Jewish children that the Israeli Dance Institute works with across the world.
Green 25
With the world expanding and shrinking at the same time, it’s easier for us to explore new places, but also we forget our own footprint - for better or worse. In this session we’ll explore the idea of making the world a better place, and if there are wrongs and rights on how to volunteer, or even more so – how should we help.
Yellow 23
Did Sarah know that her son is to be sacrificed? What was Abraham going to tell her upon his return? Two poets, one Sephardic and one Ashkenazi, present opposing worldviews, which were probably influenced by Christianity and Islam, and which make us wonder whether we Jews have misunderstood Abraham's trial and the idea of martyrdom?
Red 1
Spring of 2018: few people from the LGBTQ community had enough for hearing "NO" from our government, we took to the streets. "The Pink Panthers" was established. 4 months later over 80 thousand people demonstrate against the discrimination of our community. This is the story of this revolt.
Red 7
Daniel will give an introduction to this innovative treatment, developed in Israel and provided in the UK exclusively at Phoenix Mental Health Services. Building on last year's session, Daniel will outline the evidence that patients have shown measurable improvements in their cognition.
Red 5
Using Rabbi Marcia Prager's "The Weekday Amidah in Guided Imagery", we will take a meditative journey through the nineteen blessings of this ancient practice. The meditation will be precede by a brief look at the structure and blessings of the weekday amidah as we find it in the siddur.
Blue 34
An interactive workshop that will leave you with a story by session's end plus inspiration and tools to write your masterpiece or just have a good time - you choose.
Orange 11
Our enemies say we're the masters of media, so it's no surprise that for many Jews it's the source of untold frustration that we don't do a better job of representing ourselves in the battleground of ideas. But times are changing. New sophisticated tools have emerged. Is there now an opportunity for our community to take back our narrative?
Green 27
How did Thomas Watson and IBM deploy machines and onsite service throughout German train stations, concentration and death camps? How was the Eugenics movement, which the Nazis became (in)famous for, flourishing in the United States for decades before it? Was the Third Reich inventing, emulating, franchising or just following orders?
Martine Therese Andrevon Gottstein
Orange 15
What role did Jews play in the formation of the Vatican II document Nostra Aetate? It turns out that Jewish organisations and important thinkers like A.J. Heschel played an important role. Understanding their contribution to Nostra Aetate raises the question of the limits of engagement of another faith's theology and what it means for us today.
Red 4
A double biography of two professionals, sharing the same surname but not related, prolific authors in different fields, whose responses to Weimar and Nazi rule had contrasting outcomes.