Blue 33
How did I end up HERE and what do I do NOW?! In midlife we often question our purpose and identity and worry about elderly parents as well as our own ageing. This workshop will help you figure out how to make the most of the second half of your life! It will be interactive, practical, Jew-ish and thought provoking - but with a light touch
Red 7
Barcelona, 1263: Ramban - rabbi, doctor, leader - is forced to debate the Catholic Church. Winning the debate is impossible. Losing means violence against the Jewish community. Hear excerpts from Roy Doliner’s gripping play and then discuss what has changed since 1263 and what still needs to change. With Theater and Theology actor Howard Metz.
Orange 14
When should we trust the sincerity of our enemy’s intentions to make peace, and when should we not? This question will be explored through a text study of Jacob sending messengers to Esau, historical case studies of Chamberlain/Hitler and Begin/Sadat and a practical exercise designed to help us disagree more constructively on this issue today.
Orange 15
A lecture explaining how the Zionist movement has evolved over a century and teaching the Zionist conversation through six schools of thought over three distinct periods - with a focus on understanding Zionism’s continuing relevance today.
Orange 10
Come and learn and practice the meditation technique of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan.
Orange 12
Let's explore identity & expression through the lens of clothing–what makes clothing feminine or masculine? What parts of our Jewish identities do we express via what we wear? How can we take ownership of our identities in the ways we present ourselves? Test out your answers with trash bags and duct tape apparel! Teens, and teens at heart welcome!
Orange 11
As a council member in Ramle, the youngest ever, as a mother of a two-year-old baby, in a very masculine, chauvinistic and adult place, Rotem would be happy to talk about how she moved from a girl born in the city to a council member who influences the next generation in her city.
Purple 31
Every day the news and social media are flooded with stories connected to the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. It can feel both empowering and exhausting as we each find our role and voice amidst this outcry. In this writing workshop, participants will explore how to use their voice as a tool and means for healing, empowerment, and activating change.
Red 4
Israel has one of the most powerful defense forces, made up of many branches and corps. We examine the cultural, educational side of the IDF and how the arts play an important role in it. Learn about military bands, which have once held the most prestigious place in Israeli culture. Personal experiences from 3 years of serving in the military band.
Itzchak Marmorstein (Even-Shayis)
Red 9
In 1902 Rav Kook wrote his longest (53 chapters) and most radical free thinking sefer-”To The Confused Of The Generation”. It was immediately hidden because of concern that it would be misunderstood. It was finally published in 2014 and is a ‘must learn’ for our times and future. We will read together a selection of its most far reaching texts.
Mikhal Weiner Ella Joy Meir Lihi Haruvi Marian Gomez Villota Yonit Spiegelman Banot Band
Yellow 24
In this interactive session we'll talk about the ethos behind the music of Banot and experiment with how we go about writing music. Participants will learn our original tunes and begin work on an original melody with guidance from members of the band.
Yellow 22
Analysing mainstream cinema through film clips that touch on the Jewish experience provides a unique and powerful way to gain an understanding of the social, political and cultural realities of the life of the American Jew over the last century. Part II looks at challenges within an evolving American Jewry from the post-WWII era through today.
Red 2
Do you know your Privy Purse from your Grants-in-Aid? Who surveyed the Lancashire Survey, how civil is the Civil List, and do you trust the Royal Trustees? Does Netflix’s “The Crown” have a bigger budget? Join Ben (“No Relation”) Crowne for some light treason and a couple of serious points about transparency, accountability and public service.
Orange 13
Political is Personal is an initiative which records Israeli and Palestinian women's testimonies in relation to the everyday realities of the conflict. In this session, we will introduce the PiP project and read personal testimonies of Palestinian and Israeli women in an effort to challenge our own preconceptions and prejudices.
Blue 34
What is the state of Jewish student life on campus and how might challenges be addressed? In this moderated discussion, similar questions will be posed to session attendees. First, non-student community members will be invited to share their thoughts, followed by current student leaders. The goal is to initiate dialogue and share many viewpoints.
Michael Hilton Ghassan Manasra
Red 3
Meet two personalities who have both been involved in bridging religious divides for many years, one in Israel and one in the UK. We will compare our very different personal stories, and what motivated us to get involved in interfaith. Ghassan will explain the current work of the Abrahamic Reunion, and Michael his work for Oxford Three Faiths Week.
Red 1
Parents want to raise kids with healthy self-esteem. But we're going about this the wrong way; what we really should want is to raise geeks, nerds, oddballs. Marjorie Ingall, author of the bestseller Mamaleh Knows Best and columnist for Tablet, will discuss why nurturing our children's offbeat passions is way healthier than fostering self-esteem.
Red 5
Once it was dangerous to let kids watch SpongeBob on YouTube. The power that changed that is the key to the revival of religious practice, now endangered, like bananas, because of monoculture. Orthodox Judaism can use this lesson to emerge from its ghetto and enter the global village with its multitude of voices, including Alexa.
Red 6
When Philip Roth died in May, American Judaism lost not only its greatest novelist, but also a profound philosopher, critic, and prophet. Was he a self-hating Jew? Too sexually explicit? Explore plots and themes from books like Portnoy’s Complaint and The Plot Against America. We’ll give Jewish aspects of his best works an especially close read.
Green 25
Never cruised? Malcolm has been on over 50. This time he will be talking deep sea trips, some out of the UK (no flying) and others from as far afield as Sydney, Australia and Ushuaia, Argentina - and Kosher cruising too! Malcolm is around the whole of Limmud and is always happy to talk about waterborne holidays. He appears regularly in the Jewish Weekly.