08:30 | ||
Partnership Minyan Shacharit | Orange 14 | |
Orthodox Shacharit | Purple 31 | |
Progressive Shacharit | Red 3 | |
Masorti Shacharit | Yellow 21 | |
10:00 | ||
Shabbat Morning Family Service | Caroline Hagard | Green 27 |
Shabbat stroll | Limmud Shabbat Team | Hilton Lobby |
14:20 | ||
Partnership Minyan Mincha | Orange 14 | |
Orthodox Mincha | Purple 31 | |
Progressive Mincha | Red 3 | |
Masorti Mincha | Yellow 21 | |
16:15 | ||
Families Seudah Shlishit | Shira Solomons | Green 27 |
Speed dating seudah | Limmud Shabbat Team | Orange 13 |
Stories and songs Seudah Shlishit | Limmud Shabbat Team | Purple 29 |
UNO - the number one game | Simon Rosenstone | Red 2 |
17:30 | ||
Partnership Minyan Maariv | Orange 14 | |
Orthodox Maariv | Purple 31 | |
Progressive Maariv | Red 3 | |
Masorti Maariv | Yellow 21 | |
18:00 | ||
Havdallah | Limmud Shabbat Team | Yellow 24 |
23:00 | ||
Saturday night is Quiz night | Limmud Shabbat Team | Orange 12 |
Shavua tov DIY dance party | Limmud Shabbat Team | Red 7 |