Green 26
Danny Allen is working with an Israeli start-up to provide an innovative treatment for early to moderate dementia. It has been shown to work in six international trials and consists of a combination of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and cognitive training. Danny will describe the theoretical background and the practical applications.
Red 6
In this year when we have remembered the Balfour Declaration of 100 years ago and the Six Day War of 50 years ago David tells the story of the creation of the State of Israel through the writings and speeches of Herzl, Weizmann, Ben Gurion, Rabin and many others who lived the dream that became Israel.
Green 25
At Limmud last December I wrote my first ChaiKu HaShavua – on the weekly parashah in 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables each. It’s continued since, Moses’ five books in a classical Japanese literary form. Come for the session - we’ll tour a year of Torah with sushi for the soul.
Red 4
How to give a renewal to jewish life ? How to appropriate the traditions of our parents? By knowing them and reinventing them! We'll take the example of mehindi, henna designs tradition, to understand where it comes from, what Jewish sources say about it, and how we can make it a tool to strengthen Jewish identity today.
Red 5
How Royal Engineers and German prisoners of war took the chance to make together the exceptions to prove the rules. A personal recollection by the German prisoner of war camp leader who became an English Jew in South-Africa.
Hilton Lobby
Walking and talking, what a great combination. This is the perfect place to meet some new friends - not just for Festival, but for life. #bffe
Orange 13
The journey to Poland as a stage for dialogues about values and prejudices. We use this extreme setting to introduce deep learning about ourselves as human beings, as Jews and as citizens of this world. How is it possible that there were good-hearted murderers and antisemitic Righteous among the Nations in the Holocaust?
Orange 12
A story about a five year journey getting from a paralysed body to a fully functional one, and what are the lessons learned.
Howard Feldman Shirley Fenster
Green 27
A unique Israeli project, with a small team of engineers and an army of educators. Goals: send an unmanned spaceship to the moon in 2018, ensure every classroom in Israel shares in the excitement, and help schools develop interest in STEM subjects. The project began in 2010, we brought it to Limmud in 2014. It's time for a review and an update!
Red 3
Over three sessions, we'll explore three issues of existential importance to Israel in the 21st Century. I'll frame the question, you bring the answers! First, we'll explore the role that remorse, regret and repentance have played in Israeli history. From Qibya in the 1950s to the Disengagement in the 2000s, when could or should Israel say sorry?
Blue 34
Many non-Jews visited Creechurch Lane, the first place Jewish services took place after Jews returned to England in the 17th Century, and some wrote down their impressions. We will look at Samuel Pepys diary, Greenhalgh's letter and other comments to see how much these visitors understood what they saw and heard.
Orange 10
The trop, the cantillation marks in the Torah, are well-known for their musical meaning. But they also present a way to parse the text, which can help when translating. In this session, we will learn how to interpret the trop in this manner. Note: This session does not require knowing how to 'lein'; it is also not a practical leining class!
Blue 33
What do debates around appropriate attire for b’nei mitzvah and slut shaming have in common? The policing of teen girls’ bodies and sexuality. This interactive workshop digs into the systemic issues at play in the “b’nei mitzvah dress code dilemma” and offers participants the opportunity to explore a 21st century gender neutral approach to tzni’ut.
Orange 15
Judaism is 4000 years old; Hillel is 94, a dinosaur among Jewish organizations. How does a Jewish organization learn to revitalize itself the way Judaism itself has done for millennia.