Helena Miller Steve Miller Clive Lawton Tamra Wright Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz Robin Moss Daniel Reisel Aviva Dautch Abigail Morris Raphael Zarum Raymond Simonson Richard Verber Ben Crowne Miriam Feldmann Kaye
Orange 15
Maureen Kendler – beloved educator, friend, mentor and colleague; Limmud icon and stalwart – passed away earlier this year. Join this session to celebrate and remember some of her many contributions to our lives and community. We’ll tell some stories, sing some songs, laugh a little, cry a little, maybe learn a little too.
Green 25
Debate what’s good to eat and what’s not in 2018 going into 2019. A discussion on healthy eating and its compatibility with a traditional Jewish diet. Bringing new cases for discussion and involving the audience in debating nutritional dilemmas, such as: can saturated fats be safe to eat? Should we all be gluten-free? Is fasting good for you?
Red 3
Open and fair debate is the foundation of Jewish culture and our democracy, but how do we make sure it is done using facts, not fiction? I will talk about my work at Full Fact, a factchecking charity holding UK politicians and media accountable. We write articles, request corrections and use artificial intelligence to automatically check claims.
Green 26
There's been so much debate over the definition of antisemitism this year, it's time to record some of it in a perplexing format for future generations. This session will create a Talmudesque commentary on the IHRA definition adopted by Labour, using insights from past and present... along with interpretations from the session's participants!
Luke Akehurst Ella Rose Jon Lansman
Red 1
Jon Lansman, now regular Limmudnik and founder of Momentum, in conversation with Luke Akehurst, Director of Labour First and We Believe in Israel. This is the first time they will have been on a panel like this! Moderated by Ella Rose.
Red 4
Ancient Jewish and Christian admirers of Plato struggled to reconcile the philosopher's concept of creation with Genesis 1. This presentation explores how the Gospel of John and the midrash, Genesis Rabbah, understand creation in nearly identical ways. Guaranteed: You'll never read Genesis 1:1 the same way again!
Red 2
Mussar is not self-help, and it is not therapy. So what is it exactly? Mussar is a 1000 year-old Jewish ethical tradition that helps us to become a mensch, a deeply good and decent human being. You will come out of this session with a idea of how mussar study works and where you might go to study further. No prior knowledge required.
Maurice Stone Sheila Eizensharf
Red 7
Let your hair down and have fun at our late night Israeli dance party - a mixture of old and new, circle, line and partner dances. A lot of fun for lots of people! We start with easy dances so everyone can be included. So save your energy and join our circle!
Yellow 24
Jacob Spike Kraus is a singer-songwriter from the US who brings new energy to ancient text. His music is catchy, exciting, beautiful and functional. Not limited by genre, Jacob's music is pop, folk, rhythm & blues and everything in between. His experience with Jewish education shapes his lyrics - these are songs that teach and help us engage deeply.
Yellow 22
Got skeletons in your closet? Feelings, thoughts, or struggles you have a hard time expressing in words? Come and explore using art to destigmatize and approach taboos. In this session, you’ll see unique art and have the chance to confront, own and love your "inner monsters” through art. Bring yourself and all the monsters that come with you.
Orange 12
What is real? How does art represent that which it purports to? Can there be "fake" art? These are some of the questions we will ask in this session on R' Nachman's "Two Gentlemen Asked by the King to Paint the Palace." In our age of burgeoning virtual reality, this fable offers an opportunity to explore aesthetics, meaning, art… and faith.
Orange 10
Are you aged 65 or over? On your own? Recently lost a partner? Looking for friendship? Come and meet for an informal session with Sonia Sassoon and people in a similar situation to you.
Orange 14
This session is for anyone involved in programming Limmud events. We will discuss constructing a balanced programme in light of Limmud values and how to deal with conflicts that can arise in the process. This will also be an opportunity to share knowledge and best practice.
Purple 31
What values can rabbinic texts impart to us living with modern sexual norms? What does tradition say about sex without consent? Should one have sex while drunk or arguing? What is the balance b/w lust and love? This session is a serious text study and aims to be a safe space for people of diverse backgrounds, practices, genders, and orientations.
Blue 33
Though set in a Christian framework, the Bernstein Mass (lyrics by Stephen Schwartz) is in many ways a profoundly Jewish work, reflecting Leonard Bernstein's lifelong religious quest. We will listen to some brief excerpts and discuss how the work reflects a distinctly Jewish sensibility.
Green 27
If you have a passion for stories and you always dreamed of writing one, then this session is for you. No previous experience is needed, just an open mind, creativity and the courage to share your thoughts with others. Recommended for teachers. Session 1: Rabbi Elazar and the Ugly Man.
Blue 34
Why is networking so challenging? What facilities does the Jewish community offer to help? Drawing on my practice as a career coach and recent research into Jewish jobseekers’ experience of networking, we will explore the bridges and barriers to effective networking, uncovering new ways to understand, develop and harness this vital skill.
Red 5
In this fast paced, lively, interactive session we will listen to the voices of the 19th-20th century Mishnah Berurah. This halachic work can be angry, divisive and misogynistic. So is it perverse to love it? And can this strange love be a model for living with and understanding the Other?
Orange 11
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