Limmud Festival 2017
Monday 25 December 2017

Morning news review! YNet's Tali Farkash Tali Farkash  Social Programming Team  Blue 32
V'yarutz v'yomer: and he ran and he talked, or "run and chat" (1 of 4) Abigail Morris  Hilton Lobby
Are You Sitting Comfortably? Feldenkrais @ Limmud (3 of 5) Emma Alter  Red 7
Morning chavruta – Encountering the Divine: Creation (1 of 3) Limmud Chavruta Team  Yellow 24
Tell me a story: nurturing the spiritual imagination of children through narrative Michael Shire  Sandy Sasso  Blue 33
Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? Colin Jaque  Blue 34
Law and legality – the modernising turning point of the Shulchan Aruch Roni Weinstein  Green 25
Shmirat HaGuf - a spiritual and practical take on physical fitness Yuval Keren  Green 26
Martin Luther and the Jews Henry Cohn  Green 27
"Get to know you" walk Social Programming Team  Hilton Lobby
Will there always be Jews in Ethiopia? Sybil Sheridan  Orange 10
The Labour Party 101: the NEC, Trade Unions & Party Conference (1 of 2) Peter Mason  Orange 11
Israel is not pizza: why is the diversity approach not enough? Idit (Edie) Pick  Orange 12
Israel70: building artistic connections Nic Abery  Orange 13
Living in Israel: perception versus reality – through the eyes of an Anglo-Israeli couple Ariella Perry  Ashley Perry  Orange 14
What's law got to do with it? The Jewish obsession with law, from creation to child protection, and why it makes contemporary Jews who we are Jacquie Seemann Charak  Purple 31
Judaism and American politics: Trump edition! Ilan Emanuel  Red 1
50 years since 1967: the effects on Israeli society and Jews globally Jessica Montell  Red 2
“Like a rising moon on a starry night”: Martin Buber’s philosophy of religion Tamra Wright  Red 3
Dybbuks and Maggids: subversive female voices in 16th Century Safed Mordechai Zeller  Red 4
Narrative and law – the strange case of "shaming" Ian Gamse  Red 5
How does oppression - institutional and religious - determine the status of women in Israel? Lara Glantz  Red 6
Jewish Meditation Michael Picardie  Red 7
Marc Chagall - painter, poet Ruth Jacobson  Yellow 21
Identity and empowerment - Judaism, Mental Health and the Creative Arts Marvin Shaw  Yellow 23
Bogdan's Journey Linda Berkowitz  UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
Funny for Five at Festival Rachel Creeger  Blue 32
Under the heel of Hirohito Jackie Passman  Blue 33
Where is Kovno? The journey back Yda Walt  Blue 34
Creating a visual pantheon of Jewish figures in modern times Richard Cohen  Green 25
The Dead Sea Scrolls, Judaism and Christianity Lawrence Schiffman  Green 26
Build me a Sanctuary Michael Even David  Green 27
Degenerate: the most infamous art exhibition ever held Naomi Verber  Orange 10
How to be a human - social action (1 of 3) Matt Plen  Orange 11
My grandfather: refugee, anti-apartheid leader, Mandela’s top diplomat. Adam Schwarz  Orange 12
Noam Shalit in conversation with Leah Golan Leah Golan  Noam Shalit  Orange 15
KeshetUK diversity and LGBT inclusion training Alma Reisel  Dalia Fleming  Purple 31
Israel and antisemitism David Hirsh  Simon Plosker  Avi Mayer  Lahav Harkov  Red 1
Judaism in the science classroom Josh Martin  Red 2
Beyond the binary: gender diversity in the Jewish community Dex Grodner  Zohar Mendzelevski-Steinberg  Red 3
Jesus and Judaism: Jesus the Jewish storyteller (2 of 4) Amy-Jill Levine  Red 4
Noah and righteousness: have our values changed in 3000 years? Joshua G Townsend  Red 6
Jewish spiritual direction practicum Sheila Weinberg  Red 7
Give me Yavneh and her Sages (Experienced Morning Intensive) (1 of 4) Joseph Israel  Benjamin Stanley  Red 9
Four Jewish new years - Beit Midrash beginners (1 of 4) Roni Tabick  Red 9
Who is Rabbi Akiva? Legend and law (1 of 4) Dena Weiss  Red 9
Limmud Book Club: Chess (2 of 4) Shoshi Ish-Horowicz  Aviva Dautch  Yellow 22
Lebanon or Bust - tales from north of the border Richard Miron  Yellow 23
Nimrod – the first dictator Raphael Zarum  Yellow 24
Lunch and learn Social Programming Team  Blue 32
Archiving Jewish China - personal project Yael Farjun  Blue 33
How one font changed the (Jewish) world Aryeh Grossman  Blue 34
Is life impossible? Joel Peck  Green 25
When religion and law collide Naomi Webber  Adam Wagner  Green 26
Man plans and G-d laughs: when plan D is the new plan A Chari Pere  Green 27
Fighting for your rights Vital Zinger  Orange 10
The development of the concept of secular Judaism in the last century Eyal Yashfe  Orange 11
The last Jew in the tower Ian Bloom  Orange 12
Great artists paint the Bible Gideon Sylvester  Orange 13
How a guide dog gave me back my independence Dennis Allon  Lili Goldwein  Orange 14
The Charedi media as a reflection of religious challenges in a modern world Tali Farkash  Orange 15
Human rights under fire: maintaining our commitments under hostile governments Simone Zimmerman  Frima Bubis  Jill Jacobs  Red 1
Human nature – lofty or lowly? The debate in the Lithuanian Musar movement Benjamin Brown  Red 3
Others and otherness in rabbinic literature: was idolatry a source of ritual defilement? (2 of 2) Yarden Raber  Red 4
In vitro fertilisation, intrauterine insemination, egg donation and surrogacy – a halachic view Joanne Greenaway  Red 5
Living on a knife edge; the significant impact of recent changes in disability benefits Jessica Saffer  Red 6
Sacred chant and higher consciousness Michelle Citrin  Red 7
Desert Island Discs: Anthony Mordechai Tsvi Russell Anthony Mordechai Tsvi Russell  Laura Janner-Klausner  Yellow 23
Israel and the UK media - does Israel get a fair hearing? Michael Freeman  Yellow 24
Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Jewish Renewal & the Jewish spiritual path (1 of 2) Danny Newman  Blue 33
From Hate to Shalom Nigel Goodrich  Judy Weleminsky  Blue 34
Rescuing the children: Basques and Jews. Mike Levy  Green 25
Emotional self-defence tools for first responders Moshe Farchi  Green 26
A new educational model – Torah academy for Hasidim Menachem Bombach  Green 27
Life's a Drag, Queen! Moshiel Newman Daphna  Orange 10
Why did the Pope die? What happened in Rome in 1280? Chaim Hames  Orange 12
Wall and Rhoda Laura Marks  Abigail Morris  Linda Berkowitz  UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
What will be your legacy? Clive Lawton  Dan Brown  Melissa Rosen  Eli Ovits  Harvey Bratt  Orange 15
Authentic Judaism? Eve Sacks  Purple 31
Celebrating Jewish culture in Morocco Janet Levin  Red 1
Hallowed & holy Sam Taylor  Red 2
Words worth hearing: ‘No Time for Tears: Childhood in a Rabbi’s Family’ by Sidney Bloch Jonathan Wittenberg  Red 3
Israel - three big questions: is the Palestinian refugee problem soluble? (2 of 3) Robin Moss  Red 4
The revolution in Jewish status: equilineality Jonathan Romain  Red 5
Death Cafe Holly Blue Hawkins  Red 6
Vocal projection workshop Yoav Oved  Red 7
The other (acher): Elisha ben Abuyah & heresy (2 of 2) Leah Jordan  Red 9
See the Divine through the eyes of Rav Kook (2 of 2) Michael Feuer  Red 9
Does the apple fall far from the tree? Parents vs. Children Larry Tabick  Roni Tabick  Jacqueline Tabick  Jeremy Tabick  Yellow 23
Jerusalem, united capital? Arieh King  Yellow 24
Knit and natter - knitting circle Social Programming Team  Blue 32
Jewish Magic, or how to create a Golem in three easy steps Yoel Finkelman  Blue 33
Whitewashed - antisemitism in the Labour Party Ged Ornstein  David Hirsh  Judith Ornstein  Blue 34
Who is Torah? She is Wisdom/Chochmah (1 of 2) Daniel Lichman  Green 25
Money, money, money Pam Mackenzie  Green 26
Lost in Translation Simon Spungin  Green 27
Is Europe safe for Jews? Benjamin Weinthal  Orange 10
Israel, Israel, Israel... time for another view through poetry Adam Overlander-Kaye  Orange 11
Playwriting 101 Joshua Harmon  Orange 12
In Russia, a Jewish paradise the colour of hell-flames Cnaan Lipshiz  Orange 15
Is life coaching an essentially Jewish journey? Daniella Shaw  Purple 31
There is no reverse “birthright " Tali Farkash  Red 1
Why did Cain kill Abel? Sibling rivalry and how to avoid it Hadassah Fromson  Sam Fromson  Red 2
Habakkuk - does his fear from God precede his wisdom? Tova Ganzel  Red 3
Unity of variety of Jewish halachah – the Sephardi versus the Ashkenazi viewpoint Roni Weinstein  Red 4
The social life of texts: towards an anthropology of Midrash (1 of 2) Lea Taragin-Zeller  Red 5
Better done than perfect: how to overcome procrastination Juliet Landau-Pope  Red 6
Rikud Hadash Sheila Eizensharf  Red 7
Henna Judaica Sandra Jerusalmi  Yellow 22
Jewish pupils speak out Keith Kahn-Harris  Yellow 23
The High Holy Days - No-one knows what Rosh Hashanah is all about (1 of 2) Clive Lawton  Yellow 24
Crafternoon tea: Jewish origami! How to make an origami Magen David Social Programming Team  Blue 32
A Jewish bestiary: Heine’s Dog Days and Siodmak’s Wolf Man Nights (2 of 4) Jay Geller  Blue 33
The Holocaust & Social Action Samuel Neumann  Blue 34
Facing South Emma Sevitt  Green 25
Markus Jastrow: more than just a dictionary author Maciej Kirschenbaum  Green 26
Jews in Victorian England in 10 objects Vanessa Freedman  Green 27
Kidnapped! The mysterious case of the captive baby Roderick Young  Orange 10
Nietzsche and Soloveitchik II: life-affirmation, asceticism and the passions (2 of 3) Michael Harris  Orange 11
How serious is the terrorist threat to Jews? Michael Whine  Orange 12
The Frisco Kid Irene Wise  Linda Berkowitz  UK Jewish Film Festival  Orange 13
Superheroes/Hebrews: The role of Jews in film and comics Jonathan Pam  Dalia Fleming  Daniel Fingeroth  Mark Oppenheimer  Orange 15
Literary lives: T.S. Eliot and the Jews (2 of 3) Aviva Dautch  Purple 31
Behind the scenes at the Knesset Lahav Harkov  Red 1
Lessons in leadership Sam Taylor  Red 2
How to understand (and teach) Talmud Aryeh Klapper  Red 3
The relationship between Jewish and Islamic law Gideon Libson  Red 4
Challah braiding workshop with Challah Hub Sarah Klegman  Red 5
Written in Breath: Yiddish song as commentary Anthony Mordechai Tsvi Russell  Red 6
Introduction to belly dancing Lucy Cohen  Red 7
Whose fault is it anyway? Mishnah for kids Daniel Oppenheimer  Oasis 2
Joanie Leeds in Concert Joanie Leeds  Music Room
Arts and crafts Limmud Families Team  Families Lounge
Cartoons Limmud Families Team  Oasis 1
Expressing ourselves with clay David Bash  Rhythm & Blues
A Jewish view of extraterrestrial life Mark Creeger  Oasis 3
Daf yomi - Shevuot 27 Dena Weiss  Blue 32
Wrestling with grammar, gender and identity in Hebrew prayer Yael Shafritz  Andrea Jacobs  Blue 33
Of money and morals Paul Silver-Myer  Michael Shire  Blue 34
Spiritual Resilience (2 of 3) Jonathan Wittenberg  Green 25
What the Quakers did for the Jews of Nazi Europe Peter Kurer  Green 26
Share your story - for children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors Rachel Green  Green 27
Are Mizrachi and Sephardi Jews ignored in our “ashkenormative” Jewish world? Roxana Jebreel  Elliot Jebreel  Orange 10
Damascus - the Jewish legacy (2017) Adam Blitz  Orange 11
Dreaming with Jacob through art and poetry Sandy Sasso  Orange 12
Creating Culture: Jewish Arts for Wider Audiences Adam Overlander-Kaye  Jacqueline Nicholls  Abigail Morris  Joshua Harmon  Aviva Dautch  Orange 15
Backgammon/Shesh Besh Social Programming Team  Purple 31
Researching antisemitism: who, what, why and how many? Marie van der Zyl  Helena Miller  Michael Whine  David Hirsh  Keith Kahn-Harris  Red 1
A Jewish approach to intimacy – what lessons does the Torah provide for healthy relationships? Joanne Greenaway  Red 2
The parable of the castle: Maimonides vs. Crescas Zev Harvey  Red 4
Remembering the Romani genocide: how and when Andrea Zanardo  Red 5
Radical ritual: elevating life's smaller moments Zöe Jacobs  Red 7
Comic Mishnah making Jessica Deutsch  Music Room
Bedtime Stories with PJ Library Lauren Hamburger  Oasis 2
Laila tov stories Atira Winchester  Oasis 3
PaJeS teacher cluster at Limmud Festival Nic Abery  Blue 32
How to be a mensch - all you need to know about being a charity trustee Jon Benjamin  Blue 34
Archaeology and the Bible: friends or foes Lawrence Schiffman  Green 25
Traffic magnets or myths? Digital marketing for communal organisations (Part 2) Philippa Gamse  Green 26
G-d and goodness: an examination of Mordechai Kaplan’s conception of G-d David Bilchitz  Green 27
Longing to hear again: second naivete and post-modern Judaism Leon Morris  Orange 10
Digital Apamea - reconfiguring the ancient synagogue mosaics from 4th century Syria Adam Blitz  Orange 11
Is Judaism handicapped when it comes to the differently abled? David Levin-Kruss  Orange 12
Is the left right or is the right right? A discussion of political positions in the modern world, in Israel and in the Middle East Noru Tsalic  Orange 13
The kidnapped Yemenite children affair Roi Grufi  Orange 14
Is campus a safe space for Jews? Daniel Katz  Marie van der Zyl  Sally Patterson  David Hirsh  Orange 15
Designs on Britain Abigail Morris  Red 1
I’m not a number, I’m a free man! But is individuality compatible with Judaism? Daniel Anderson  Red 2
Single woman and birth David Bigman  Red 3
50 Years of liberation or occupation? Eve Harow  Red 4
The Bill of Rights: why do Americans tolerate hate speech and guns? David Benkof  Red 5
Shine - the concert Yoni Shine  Adina Shine  Daniel Shine  Red 6
The Art of Chant Leading: workshop for singers, musicians, cantors, rabbis, and lay leaders Nava Tehila  Ilan Glazer  Daphna Rosenberg  Yoel Sykes  Ruth Gan Kagan  Red 7
Funny for Five at Festival: the performance! Rachel Creeger  Blue 32
Rogues, thugs and ‘The King’: the Jewish heroes of Soviet literature Shoshi Ish-Horowicz  Blue 34
Yerushalayim shel zahav Yuval Keren  Green 25
Orthodox Judaism - a concept and its history Ezra Margulies  Green 26
Building successful programmes Liat Cohen Raviv  Green 27
God save us from your opinion or a Beit Midrash of the internet age? Isabel Bard  Orange 10
#MeToo: sexual assault in the Tanach Sarah Bronzite  Orange 11
Elisheva; the forgotten midwife Raphael Zarum  Orange 12
"Ben-Gurion, Epilogue" followed by Q&A with Director, Yariv Mozer Michael Wegier  Yariv Mozer  Orange 13
The Donald and the Jews Ellen Flax  Richard Landes  Gary Rosenblatt  Steven Windmueller  Mark Oppenheimer  Orange 15
The story of the five year-long campaign to free Gilad Shalit Noam Shalit  Red 1
The Fish Position: feminist Hebrew poems Atira Winchester  Red 2
Mah nomar lefanecha - in the face of terror and tragedy can we still speak to G-d? Neil Janes  Red 3
Evening chavruta – Peoplehood (1 of 2) Limmud Chavruta Team  Red 4
Judaism is important, but is G-d optional? Harold Zwier  Red 5
Passion Killer Hadar Galron  Red 6
Israeli dance party (2 of 4) Sheila Eizensharf  Red 7
On the Kindertransports. Four boys from hell to Hull. Ian Vellins  Yellow 21
Being a Lone Soldier in the IDF Rachel Rosenzweig  Yellow 22
Josh Nelson in Concert Josh Nelson  Yellow 24
My untold Jewish story: circumcision (2 of 3) Alma Reisel  Blue 34
That daft old man: Zohar as fantasy novel (2 of 2) Larry Tabick  Green 25
Conspiracy theories Jonathan Jacobson  Green 26
Hakhamemes - Sephardic Hashkafah through quotable sages Adam Zagoria-Moffet  Green 27
Young Jews chatting s*** Rebecca Heller  Daniel Fenster Simons  Josh Martin  Daniel Heller  Orange 10
Love and acceptance through conversion therapy Mathew Shurka  Orange 11
Jews Have Celebrated Christmas! Michael Hilton  Orange 12
Opportunities in artificial intelligence (1 of 2) Zac Kenton  Orange 13
Documentary photography: visual stories of communities in crisis Eli Gaventa  Orange 14
Is the Kotel an Orthodox synagogue? Benjamin Brown  Avi Mayer  Jill Jacobs  Yoel Finkelman  Arieh King  Orange 15
The secret Jewish history of vodka – with tastings! Richard Verber  Purple 29
Wait, did my boss just call me a Princess? A candid discussion on gender bias and our roles in perpetuating and preventing it. Laura Janner-Klausner  Sally Patterson  Sarah Mali  Red 1
Two Jews, five opinions Noa Metuki  Hadas Nir  Red 2
Mea Shearim to Harvard Menachem Bombach  Red 3
A Complicated Love Triangle: rabbis, their wives, and Torah Sarah Charak  Red 4
Can you hire a hitman? Talmud with the backstory left in Ben Crowne  Red 5
From shatnez to Brexit - what can mixed fibres can tell us about being "citizens of nowhere"? Benjamin Ellis  Red 6
Late night singalong with Dan and Simon Simon Style  Dan Patterson  Red 7
Speed debating! Social Programming Team  Yellow 21
Jewnetic engineering - a look at the Jewish views on genetic modification Joel Rosenberg  Yellow 22
Eric and Happie in concert Happie Hoffman  Eric Hunker  Yellow 24
Stamford Hell - escaping the cult Charlie Lewin  Green 25
Danish Jewish community Lucas Espinosa Menendez  Green 26
Late night chavruta – Encountering the Divine: Creation (1 of 3) Limmud Chavruta Team  Green 27
Curly Girl collective Shoshana Bloom  Hannah Brady  Orange 10
It says what?! In the Talmud? Jacqueline Nicholls  Yaffa Epstein  Red 1
DIY or YID humour Graham Newman  Red 4
Strange sounds James Charles  Nathan Finkel  Red 6
Hypothetical dating! Social Programming Team  Red 7
Fire, water, darker: Leonard Cohen, Yair Rosenblum; subversive prayer Samuel Barth  Yellow 21
BEMET live Hod Moshonov  Yellow 24
Midnight pub quiz Social Programming Team  Purple 29