Limmud Conference 2016 - Presenters

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Presenters: D

Aviva Dautch

Aviva Dautch teaches English Literature and Creative Writing at the British Library and is Poet in Residence at the Jewish Museum, London. She has a PhD in Contemporary Poetics and her poems, reviews and literary essays are widely published.

Friday 21:15
Friday 21:15 Yehuda Amichai: was he a traitor?
Sunday 14:30
Sunday 14:30 Limmud book club: Auto-da-Fé (1 of 4)
Monday 15:50
Monday 15:50 Shakespeare and the Jews
Monday 16:40
Monday 16:40 Limmud Book Club: A Tale of Love and Darkness (2 of 4)
Tuesday 10:30
Tuesday 10:30 People of the book
Tuesday 12:00
Tuesday 12:00 Poetry and Conversation with Diti Ronen
Tuesday 16:40
Tuesday 16:40 Limmud book club: One Night, Markovitch (3 of 4)
Tuesday 21:40
Tuesday 21:40 No place like home: poetry and jazz
Wednesday 14:30
Wednesday 14:30 Art-similation: does Jewish art outside of Israel have a future?
Wednesday 16:40
Wednesday 16:40 Limmud Book Club: The Marriage of Opposites (4 of 4)

Keren David

Keren David is the award-winning author of seven Young Adult novels. Her next book, "The Liar's Handbook", will be published in January 2017. She is adapting her book "Lia's Guide to Winning the Lottery" into a musical. Keren is also features editor of the Jewish Chronicle.

Monday 16:40
Monday 16:40 LGBT+ Jewish Narratives

David Davidi-Brown

David is UJS Executive Director, has worked at JHub, Redbridge JCC and UJIA, and is a Jewish Youth Fund trustee. David has volunteered with Keshet UK and Limmud. David enjoys some highs and suffers many lows of being a Spurs fan, lives with his fiancé Adam, and is a proud uncle to 6 nephews and 1 niece.

Tuesday 16:40
Tuesday 16:40 From Discord to Dialogue: Jewish-Christian Study Tour to Israel and Palestine
Wednesday 18:50
Wednesday 18:50 #LabelFree
Thursday 11:00
Thursday 11:00 The students are alright!

Alex Davidson

Alex Davidson is the film programmer at JW3. Before joining JW3, Alex worked for 10 years at the British Film Institute as a curator for the BFI National Archive, where he co-programmed the Oy, Britannia! collection, celebrating British Jewish culture on film.

Tuesday 21:40
Tuesday 21:40 Misogynist Film Club: the musical!
Wednesday 18:10
Wednesday 18:10 JW3 art salon: art and politics

Greg Davidson

Greg Davidson is a happily married father of three who has participated in LimmudLA Conferences for almost a decade. He worked in the aerospace industry for over 30 years. He has an undergraduate degree from Swarthmore College and a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard.

Saturday 20:30
Saturday 20:30 Islamofascism or Islamophobia: A quantitative look
Sunday 16:40
Sunday 16:40 Attracting, selecting, and transitioning to a new congregational rabbi

Eleanor Davis

Eleanor edits Eits Chinuch (a weekly Torah/educators’ email) for Reform Judaism and leads a regular Rosh Chodesh study group on women in Tanach, for women and men (!) in Edgware. Originally from Gloucestershire, she now lives in Edgware with her husband Robert, a singer.

Sunday 18:50
Sunday 18:50 Yael: pinning down her man
Monday 20:10
Monday 20:10 Rachav, the scarlet woman

Ruth Dearnley

Ruth has been chief executive officer of Stop The Traffik since 2008. With a law degree and a background in education, Ruth has spent the last 30 years communicating creatively and inspiring and enabling others to transform the world around them, starting at street level in their own communities.

Wednesday 16:40
Wednesday 16:40 Stopping the traffic together

Jason Demant

Jason has orthodox rabbinic ordination and a BA in Jewish History. Now progressive, Jason leads a team caring for the spiritual well-being of patients and families at St Francis Hospice. Jason loves discovering how people experience their spiritual selves, and he loves seeing Judaism through Buddhism.

Monday 09:15
Monday 09:15 From Bezalel to Banksy: Art in Jewish Spirituality
Tuesday 13:15
Tuesday 13:15 When a rabbi no longer can be religious?
Wednesday 09:15
Wednesday 09:15 Healthcare - spiritual needs and spiritual distress

Miriam Rosalyn Diamond

Miriam Rosalyn Diamond teaches college courses on education, religion, psychology and friendship. She runs Jewish educator Communities of Practice and leads bibliodrama/improvisation workshops. She is known for writing Purim spiels as well as books on religious literacy and active learning.

Saturday 11:30
Saturday 11:30 Unleash your inner actor: participate in reading a new Jewish themed play
Sunday 21:40
Sunday 21:40 For Jewish Educators - How a Community of Practice Can Support You

Jesse Divon

Jesse is a consultant to organisations operating in the Arab world and also directs a groundbreaking non-profit that arranges internships for Palestinian graduates at Israeli tech companies. He holds a BA in Arabic studies from Cambridge University and is studying for an MBA at Tel Aviv University.

Tuesday 09:15
Tuesday 09:15 Israeli-Palestinian economic cooperation since 1994 (1 of 3)
Wednesday 13:15
Wednesday 13:15 The Palestinian high-tech sector and Israel’s role in it (2 of 3)
Thursday 13:50
Thursday 13:50 The story of the Palestinian internship programme (3 of 3)

Eliran Douenias

Eliran is a social entrepreneur. He is senior programme manager for Tikkun Olam Ventures; was selected as the 2015 Ralph Goldman Fellow; led JDC's relief and recovery efforts in Nepal following the earthquake; served as an IDF officer for 7 years, and co-founded OLAM, an Israeli social business.

Monday 08:00
Monday 08:00 Art and social action in a Jewish context
Monday 13:15
Monday 13:15 Around the world in 7 tales
Monday 16:40
Monday 16:40 Social entrepreneurship: vision to implementation
Tuesday 16:40
Tuesday 16:40 Global Jewish responsibility: intertwined and interconnected
Wednesday 09:15
Wednesday 09:15 Nepal earthquake aftermath: Jewish approach to disaster response

Barbara Dresner

Barbara Dresner was northern social worker for the Association of Jewish Refugees for 11 years, and is a founder member of the Second Generation Network. She has facilitated groups for Second and Third Generation members since 2004.

Monday 12:00
Monday 12:00 What does being 'Second and Third Generation' mean to you? (1 of 2)
Thursday 12:30
Thursday 12:30 What does being "second and third generation" mean to you? (2 of 2)

Ben Du Preez

Ben du Preez is a campaigner for Detention Action - where he also co-ordinates the Freed Voices project - an organisation that provides practical and emotional support to individuals in immigration detention, and campaigns for detention reform in the UK.

Tuesday 18:10
Tuesday 18:10 Let me tell you about my time in immigration detention...

Robbie Duschinsky

Robbie Duschinsky is a lecturer at Cambridge University, and a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College.

Tuesday 20:10
Tuesday 20:10 JDOV: Jewish Dreams, Observations, and Visions (2 of 2)
Wednesday 13:15
Wednesday 13:15 Stanley Cavell: the problem of knowledge and the problem of love

Sophie Duschinsky

Sophie is a clinical psychologist working in child and adolescent mental health, with a focus on gender identity. Her research has primarily explored anxiety in children on the autism spectrum, though she has also edited a book on attachment.

Saturday 20:30
Saturday 20:30 The other Jewish therapy

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